3utools mac

Users can download 3utools MAC latest version for MAC running devices with our direct download links. You can follow vshare-download.com to touch with important apps easily.  Is it possible to install 3UTools for MAC ? Yes, This is best alternative application for vShare for MAC platform, Actually 3u provide hundreds of features for iPhone,iPad and iPod Touch users. So this application features are gathered with the iDevices. Users can manage iDevices with 3u application easily.

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What are the features

  • All in one solution to manage iDevices
  • Access without Apple ID and password or login method
  • Free third party app store for users
  • Thousands of ringtones, backgrounds, wallpapers for users
  • Customize device with own method
  • Complete solution for Jailbreak and jailbreak apps and tweaks a
  • re ready to download freely

How to install 3UTools MAC

First Download 3uTools Mac dmg version with above link

Then run application file and install for your device. This application is support for many devices and MAC OS versions.

After few seconds, You can see application is ready with device. Please connect your device with USB cable and enjoy with 3utools application features.

3UTools MAC similar popular apps

Best similar alternative apps as iMazing and i4Tools, But both of these applications are not exactly match with 3u mac features. We can highly recommend iMazing application because i4Tools using Chinese language.


  • Is it possible to connect device with WiFi ? No, this moment WiFi connection is not available for users. However you can touch with this feature as soon as possible.
  • How to update 3UTools MAC version ? Users can notify updates with the messages.
  • Is this application free ? Yes, This application is completely free for users.
  • Is 3UTools legal application ? Yes, This is completely legal for all users.
  • Can download app for Windows/iOS ? Yes, Windows application already developed and released for users and Ios online installation application is ready only for limited areas now.
